Saturday, February 05, 2005

Proverbs 27:6

The NIV says, "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." The ESV puts it like this, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

For years I received kisses from an enemy...on and on praising me and using smooth words to woo me. But they were simply meaningless words. Empty. Despised. All because they were devoid of genuine love. Lacking. Worthless.

On the other hand I have also received wounds from a friend. But you know what? It was grounded in love and received in love. So no matter what was said it didn't so much matter because I knew my friend loved me and God was using the situation to refine us for His glory.

Isn't it odd that we can hurt those we are closest to and yet it is steeped in love and therefore those wounds are "faithful" and they can be "trusted". It's an odd feeling and I can't quite explain it. But it is living a life of love, below the surface, on a heart level. You look past the hurt and see the person hurting, and you are so overwhelmed by your love for that person that you are just filled with compassion and love...and nothing else matters at that moment.

That is where Christ lived His life...with mercy for the hurting. I am overwhelmed by the daily life lessons God uses to call us to pursue holiness. This is what it means to daily be refined in His image. Oh, to pursue that call!


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