Monday, December 31, 2007

Oh My Damn!

SO this parent got her little 6-year old girl to write an essay saying her daddy died in Iraq in order to win 4 Miley Cyrus concert tickets and a trip to NY. Well, it worked, she won...but it turns out it's not true.

The mother says, "We did the essay and that's what we did to win. We did whatever we could do to win."

Well...that right there is one of the worst in America. and women are dying so you can teach your kid to lie, cheat and steal in order to get ahead. WTF???

That's about as crazy as Lynn Spears actually thinking writing a parenting book is a god idea.

I read this quote this week...and oh how it applies:

Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. -Carl Jung

May God grant us the grace and wisdom we need to be better parents.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am in love with Pinkberry!

Blueberries, Stawberries and Pineapple....could anything be better?

I'm thinking....


Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Kiefer!

I'll have a drink in your honor tonight.

And no...I am actually not being sarcastic (for once.) As much as what he did was dumb, I do really dumb things all the time so I'm not throwing any stones. No matter who you are, it just sucks spending your birthday and Christmas alone.

So I will knock one (or two) back in honor of you tonight!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rescue Dawn

This is a GREAT movie...I love these true "Human Story" films. I made my dad watch it and as it turns out he had the opportunity to meet Dieter Dengler at the Pentagon when he worked there years ago. Pretty amazing story. Plus Christan Bale is one of my favs even though he does some pretty gross maggots, get leeches, eat a live snake...still the movie is worth it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Diet of Worms

Today we were studying Martin Luther and the Reformation in our homeschool curriculum. So cool. So I had the boys each represent different sides (catholic/protestant) and battle it out in the "wars of religion" of the 16th century. So funny. And yes they did finally agree to the treaty of Augsburg and end the fighting.

The "Little Guys" are learning about ancient Mesopotamia...pretty cool.

This is my favorite part of school and thanks to K12 I kick butt on "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader"!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Everything is Sacred

I came across this song recently from the new Caedmon's Call albumn, Overdressed. And it is right where I am at, and has spoken so much to me as a mom this week. I'm just trying to strip it all away and enjoy the moments in the mundane and realize how special they truely are. I have four completely unique but unbelievably cool kids. They really are neat people to get to know...and funny too! Really funny! But so often I miss out on the great moments because I'm worried about the house being a mess or being late because it takes so long to get out of the house or being in a rush to finish school or whatever. Sometimes I get so frustrated at them being kids. (Especially when they DON'T listen!) And instead of talking through the situation I loose it and yell at 'em. I hate it that I do that...even in the midst of it. So I've been resting on the thoughts of how to get over the pains of motherhood to experience the joys. And even in the joys of the mundane. Stopping to be thankful for all the little moments...I don't want to be a mother that realizes what she had when it's gone...these days are precious and I want to drink deep of the joy and laughter and pleasure that comes in family. It is right that "everything I've dreamed of has been right before my eyes."

So enjoy. Go find the song and listen to it. But for now, here's


Words and Music by Randall Goodgame and Andrew Osenga(c) 2007 House of Mirrors Music (ASCAP) admin. by Simpleville Music, Inc. / 2007 Mighty Molecule Music. (ASCAP) admin by Music Services

this house is a good mess
it’s the proof of life
no way would I trade jobs
but it don’t pay overtime

I’ll get to the laundry
I don’t know when
I’m saying a prayer tonight
cause tomorrow it starts again

could it be that everything is sacred?
and all this time
everything I’ve dreamed of
has been right before my eyes

the children are sleeping
but they’re running through my mind
the sun makes them happy
and the music makes them unwind

my cup runneth over
and I worry about the stain
teach me to run to You
like they run to me for every little thing

when I forget to drink from you
I can feel the banks harden
Lord, make me like a stream
to feed the garden

wake up, little sleeper
the Lord, God Almighty
made your Mama keeper
so rise and shine
rise and shine cause

everything is sacred
and all this time
everything I’ve dreamed of
has been right before my eyes

Anyway...go buy the album - it's really quite unbelievable.

If you live in Los Angeles:

Be An Extra In ONE Vote '08's New Ad

Come out to the El Mirage Dry Lake Tuesday, December 4 to be in ONE Vote '08's new campaign ad. Call is at 10:30a.m. and we'll need you to stay until sometime between 5:30p.m. and 7:30p.m. You can download directions here:

One thing I'm learning...

My kids are SO much nicer when I am not such a bitch.

Go figure.
