Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Mommy, I got a Lego stuck in my nose!

So tonight I am in Vegas visitin some family and we had plans to go out for a night on the town and hit the Venetian and just hang out do dinner, whatever. It was gonna be a fun night out and the grandparents were watching the kids. I decided to take a much needed shower. In the midst of my three minutes of relaxation I had just put the conditioner on my hair and hear crying. But I'm in the shower so I pay no attention to Sophie's tears. My brother tells me Sophie is crying so I reach out for the door to unlock it and yell out to have her come in. She is crying and holding both arms up over her face. "What's wrong, Baby?"

"Mommy I got a lego stuck up my nose!" (Sob sob sob)

I shouted for Johnny to come in and get her. I wasn't about to jump out naked in my sister-in-law's parents house! SO I did a quick rinse and pulled clothes on (enough to make me decent.) By this time Sophie was HY-STERICAL! We forcefully laid her down on the ground and descovered she indead had this lego:stuck way up her right nostral. Do we go to ER, Urgent Care, or do it ourselves? Well she was screaming and nashing her teeth. We tried to get her to calm down to no avail. SO we sat on her and pinned her down, Johnny me and my brother. So was like a demon possesed child foaming at the mouth and making herself puke! We had gotten tweezers and tried to get it out, but there was no hope. After a while we stopped our efforts. Sophie began to calm down. WE moved her to the bed and she decided to let daddy try again before we had to go to the doctor. She did a great job calming down...but no luck and we probably even shoved it farther up and her nose was now bleeding.

So we went to Kid Doctor Urgent Care and paid $25 co-pay but the doctor said it was too high up and didn't have the right tool to get it out. (To which I ask, Hello? You are a Child Urgent Care...aren't legos up the nose a common problem???) So we were sent to the ER. (We got our $25 back.)

We stopped by Jack in the Box and Sophie got a milkshake. She was now the sweetest little thing and soaking in all the attention. We went to the ER and it looked like we had gone to the poor house clinic on "The Strip". The place was packed. We checked in and talked to a really nice nurse...but by the sights of it we were gonna be there all night long. But Sophie still had such a sweet heart:

As we were all sitting around we began to talk about things we should've tried. I suggested holding the vaccuum up to her nose. That led to the thought of a bulb syringe. Then my brother suggested a straw. So we had Sophie lay on our laps int he middle of the ER waiting room and Sophie made a funny face that caused her airpassage to open up a bit more. Johnny stuck the straw up her nose and SUCKED! After two attempts POP the lego was OUT! We all screamed! We were cheering and made quite a commotion and yelled, "We're outta here!" Stood up and got ready to walk out. The nice nurse, Kay, stopped us and said, "Wow...that was cool!"

We went out to celebrate and bought Sophie one of those Baskin Robin's Ice cream cone clowns. (Remember those? I used to love those!) And the lady behing the counter cave her a huge cup full of jelly beans (Cause she was so cute and got a lego stuck up her nose!)

Tonight she was so scared, so tender, so strong and so beautiful! What a remarkable little girl. And hopefully tomorrow Ethan won't stick legos up his nose just to try to get an icecream!


Blogger Karyn said...

OK, your family is just too crazy!! But, just so you know they are not too unique, one of our children (who shall be unnamed so as to not produce adult embarrassment) shoved wooden BEADS up her nose. We too had a hysterical child. Fortunately though we avoided the doctor route by holding the other nostril closed and getting her to blow her nose until the beads were able to be removed. Yuck. Gotta love those maternal instincts (and creativity) that kick in when our kids provide us with exciting challenges. Love you guys.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Bean said...

Omigosh! No WAY!!!
Way to go Johnny!

9:23 PM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

we tried the sneezig trick, but to no avail!...Next time I'd say START with the suction.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

that story is the best thing i have heard. . . even over here in turkey! i'm gonna forward this story to mckinna. i miss you guys. hopefully, we can have a big reunion soon and sit out on the patio and chill sometime. . .

thank you guys so much for your support. it means so much to me. blessings on you guys!


2:37 PM  
Blogger Bethany said...

Saw your blog link on Facebook....
Okay your life sounds like mine. This is hilarious. My little girl is still a baby and I have two boys...so I guess this tells me that girls are just as crazy as little boys. Darn I thought I was gonna get a break.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

Yeah...my daughter is my "fourth boy" the only difference is she wears a tutu. ...Oh and she owns more shoes than all of her brothers combined! ;)

7:04 PM  
Blogger dezy said...

Yes, my 2 year old daughter did the same thing (with the same lego piece but err green!) so here I am on google trying to find out how to get it out (as she did this at midnight)!

We tried the straw but to no avail (probably not helped by the fact that the only straw in our house is one of those curly twirly ones!). Tweezers aren't helping either because she is two and keeps crying & more importantly, moving her head. It looks like we have to wait 7 hours and wait for the ENT specialist...

They should seriously have a solution for this problem on the lego website...

9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ha, I got a CLEAR one of those out yesterday. Came out of his room with a wrinkled up nose. Said, get it out Mommy. I sorry, lego up my nose.
My patient was a wild 3 year old. And I used very long, very slim needle nose pliers. Also, he hadn't got it in there very far. Would have been a breeze if he would sit still. Was very afraid of the pliers. Tried to get him to stop wiggling for 1/2 an hour. So, I used to be a vet tech. I wrapped him up in a blanket like a wild cat, arms bundled up. (No I didn't have any help). Came out pretty easy. And he is fine now. Hopefully I won't need the cat technique again!

9:38 AM  
Blogger Kita Crago said...

OMG! My son just got a lego stuck in his nose...tried using tweezers to get it out and when that didn't work, I googled "lego stuck in nose" and your blog came up. I used your straw suggestion and it totally worked! Thanks for posting your musings.

3:03 PM  

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