Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I've just signed a petition asking my senators to co-sponsor the reauthorization of PEPFAR, America's response to the emergency of global AIDS, malaria and TB.

ONE is trying to get fifty senators to co-sponsor this lifesaving legislation. You can help by adding your voice.


ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans - one by one. So far, over two million have joined ONE in support of a historic pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world.

Also I am not normally a viewer of American Idol…but this Wednesday is the “Idol Gives Back Episode” where they are trying to raise awareness and money for the cause of ending extreme poverty. ONE will also be featured in a segment of the programming. Anyway, I’d love to encourage you all to watch and consider what your role may be in helping to make poverty history.

Together as ONE we can make a difference!



Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Conversation with Sophie

This took place this morning:

Sophie: Mommy....are there bad guys?

Me: Yeah, sweetie...there are some bad guys.

Sophie: Yeah, Grandpa fought the bad guys.


Sophie: Has Grandpa ever fought a Dragon?

Me: (chuckle) No, sweetie....Grandpa has never fought a dragon.

The End