Wednesday, May 24, 2006

More Sweetness from Beefy

My baby boy brought home a packet of work from preschool yesterday, and it is one of those moments I live for as a mother. It was so precious to see all the work he had done throughout the year. There was a reindeer made out of his handprints and footprint, a brightly painted Easter Egg, a painting of a flower "for mommy", pictures from his class and little things he had said about every season. And this ginormous flower made of paper plates (see picture.) Also in the packet were more "sayings of Ethan". They are so sweet and so preciously express the heart of my little boy. I have to share it:

My name is... Ethan

What makes me laugh is... when Carter tickles me!

My best friend is... Derek

My pets are... Doggy-Dog Vader

The people in my family are... Taylor, Carter, Sophie, mommy and daddy

The most important thing I learned in school is... coloring

The best day I ever had is... when I played with Sophie

One thing I'm really good at is... Legos

I love... Jesus

My Favorites:
Animal: Monkey
Food: Broccoli (Liar!)
Color: Red
Toy: Legos
Movie: Kitty (Sophie's "Hello Kitty" Movie)
Song: "Jesus Loves Me"

It makes me happy when... I go to class.

I look like... I have blonde hair with a shirt.

I live... besides my house.

I am thankful to God for... dying for our sins.

It makes me angry when... Taylor hits me with the ball.

When I grow up I want to be... a Rock Star!

I know that God... died for our sins. He feels really good about me.

What a sweet heart. These are the "salad days". This boy so easily just speaks right to my heart. He is so sensitive and so precious. What a treasure God has immensely blessed me with in my Befin!

I love you so much, buddy!


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