Friday, June 23, 2006

Day Two: Mr. Barbeque

So Grammy & Pop-pop took the kids to Target and lunch. J and I woke up late, got ready, watched some World Cup and then headed out for a Winston-Salem favorite - lunch at Mr. Barbeque. This place is a TOTAL dive. If it says anything about the place the sign our front is a dancing pig dressed up in a tuxedo. And did I mention that "Mr. Barbeque" is right next door to "Miss Fried Chicken". I think they are actually living together out of Wedlock. And they are both right down the street from "Mr. Waffle"...I think Miss Fried Chicken was formerly married to Mr. Waffle, and their romance was doomed from the start. (Only in LA can Chicken and Waffles be a match made in heaven!) So I think Miss Fried Chicken ran off down the street with Mr. Barbeque back in the early 60s... Anyway, you just gotta love the south!

We walk in there and instantly I am again hit with the feeling that I am definitely NOT in LA! We walk in and for one - everyone is white - well, that is, except for the two old black ladies sharing a table in the corner of the joint. They looked tired and worn, and just by looking at them you could almost trace their history on the wrinkles of their faces back to the days of slavery where their ancestors probably worked the land of some of the other patons families.

Their was a table of four good ol' boys who were in W-S Fire Rescue uniforms. It looked like they all went to high school together and used to party and steal each others girlfriends back in the day.

Looking around at all the (overweight) men in their polo shirts and khakis the word that came to mind was "simple". Here were all these hard working guys taking a break from their 9 to 5 jobs to enjoy a tasty southern meal at Mr. Barbeque. They'd go back to work, finish their jobs, o home to the wife and kids and watch their satelite TV all night long. Then they'd start their routine all over again.

It was neat to people watch at a place like that...but how apparent it QUICKLY became that I did not fit into this southern culture. Very strange...

I must say that the food was good. I've had better BBQ (but J insisted on MR. BBQ for the "atmosphere") but the hush puppies were to die for. I love a good Hush Puppy. Mmmm...southern food...It'll kill ya!

If you ever make your way to North gotta get you some good barbeque!


Blogger N.C. said...

I love good bbq, there really isn't any real stuff here in the plastic anus of the globe.

But I still love LA!!!

3:07 PM  

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