Saturday, December 09, 2006

Heifer International

So since we have had a transistion in our church situation we decided this go around into deviding up our tithe and giving part to the local church and part to the global Church or other organizations that are actually working to end poverty, help impoverished people, or just loving people globally and helping them because they are just as important and just as special as the rest of us.

Just researching opportunities and giving a small amount of ourselves has been so rewarding, for us, and for our kids.

In the summer we started sponsoring a little Tanzanian girl named Rehema. She is so cute and about the age of our little girl. She sends us pictures of hens and gourds that she colored. It just a great way for our kids to connect and think beyond our little neighborhood in Los Angeles.

So this past month we chose another GREAT organization. Heifer International. We gave the gift to some needy families of a goat, a sheep and a basket of chickens. That seems so foreign to our little urban family...but what a gift. And what a mission to be involved in something so much greater than ourselves.

At some point, (maybe when the kids are a little older) I would love to sell all we have and go dig wells in Africa, or just love on people in villages and help train them to work, or plant gardens, be human aid workers, or whatever. Our heart for our family is not to build a big fat nest egg, or store up our own possesions. But to some day say, screw the American lifestyle and give it up to go make a real difference in the world. (What a lesson and legacy we could bless our children with - that is a real ministry!) And not to bash anyone over the head with a Bible...but simply to love the unlovable and BE Incarnate Love to others. have the balls to actually do it someday...that's my dream.

So it being the season of "End of the year giving" much are you willing to bless other nations, and hurting people of the world and not just the floor under your own Christmas tree?


Blogger Dave Patterson said...

Thanks for the kind words about Heifer International. I joined Heifer as new media director last year and really appreciate it when someone blogs about us.

We have a new BlogRaising program that lets bloggers like you help us get the word out about Heifer and raise the money we need to do our work. To learn more, just go to

I hope you are able to take part.

Again thanks for the good words.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

That's great! Well, I'm trying to do my part...hopefully more will follow.

12:41 PM  

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