Friday, April 13, 2007

DAY ONE: 21 March, Los Angeles

Packing, packing, packing (brand new suitcases!)
Gave kids stuffed Boynton animals - something to cuddle while we are away.
Hung up goody-bags for the kids to open each morning we are gone.
Dad took us to the airport.
I had sotten dressed up for the flight. Weird feeling to be kid free in the airport.
Saw a really BIG, FAT guy flying Aeroflot (Flashbacks!) with this bright white, brand new Adidas tack suit and bright white trainers. Had to be Russian Mafia by the look. Funny.
Quick snack at McDonalds.
Good flight. Extra legroom int he bag of the plane.
Old guy with an Irish accent sat behind us. Brilliant!
2 Tylenol Pms.
Tried to watch Deja Vu...totally fell asleep.
7 hours later woke up.
Breakfast on the flight and landed in London.



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