Saturday, January 26, 2008

Maybe we should all go move to Cleveland?

It is a sad day for Kucinich supporters...

So much for "Strength through Peace"...

If he could've only gotten his message out. Thanks so much Big Media. Hope you enjoy your war.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008


Check out this article.

Hilarious. Sounds like stunts we used to do in the church just to piss off the moral right.

On You Tube ...I can't stop laughing.

Friday, January 18, 2008

ONE: On the Record

Do you know where your candidate stands on ending extreme global poverty?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Politics & the Media

This should be a much longer post...but I think it's ridiculous that the TV networks (ABC, NBC) can pick adn choose which candidates get to air on the debates on their networks. Absolutely unfair. I mean isn't the whole point of this critical time to GET the information out so we can CHOOSE our best candidate...This is not who has the most money or the loudest voice. Let's let some of the underdogs come to the table and show by their past record, their words and their actions that they might actually be able to do more for our country and our world than those with the largest pocketbooks or a former president as a spouse.

Let's get back to free speech and the truth of politics that the media so easily convaludes.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

All Is Redeemed

All Is Being Redeemed.

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time now and forever. Amen.
Jude 24,25

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Mommy, I got a Lego stuck in my nose!

So tonight I am in Vegas visitin some family and we had plans to go out for a night on the town and hit the Venetian and just hang out do dinner, whatever. It was gonna be a fun night out and the grandparents were watching the kids. I decided to take a much needed shower. In the midst of my three minutes of relaxation I had just put the conditioner on my hair and hear crying. But I'm in the shower so I pay no attention to Sophie's tears. My brother tells me Sophie is crying so I reach out for the door to unlock it and yell out to have her come in. She is crying and holding both arms up over her face. "What's wrong, Baby?"

"Mommy I got a lego stuck up my nose!" (Sob sob sob)

I shouted for Johnny to come in and get her. I wasn't about to jump out naked in my sister-in-law's parents house! SO I did a quick rinse and pulled clothes on (enough to make me decent.) By this time Sophie was HY-STERICAL! We forcefully laid her down on the ground and descovered she indead had this lego:stuck way up her right nostral. Do we go to ER, Urgent Care, or do it ourselves? Well she was screaming and nashing her teeth. We tried to get her to calm down to no avail. SO we sat on her and pinned her down, Johnny me and my brother. So was like a demon possesed child foaming at the mouth and making herself puke! We had gotten tweezers and tried to get it out, but there was no hope. After a while we stopped our efforts. Sophie began to calm down. WE moved her to the bed and she decided to let daddy try again before we had to go to the doctor. She did a great job calming down...but no luck and we probably even shoved it farther up and her nose was now bleeding.

So we went to Kid Doctor Urgent Care and paid $25 co-pay but the doctor said it was too high up and didn't have the right tool to get it out. (To which I ask, Hello? You are a Child Urgent Care...aren't legos up the nose a common problem???) So we were sent to the ER. (We got our $25 back.)

We stopped by Jack in the Box and Sophie got a milkshake. She was now the sweetest little thing and soaking in all the attention. We went to the ER and it looked like we had gone to the poor house clinic on "The Strip". The place was packed. We checked in and talked to a really nice nurse...but by the sights of it we were gonna be there all night long. But Sophie still had such a sweet heart:

As we were all sitting around we began to talk about things we should've tried. I suggested holding the vaccuum up to her nose. That led to the thought of a bulb syringe. Then my brother suggested a straw. So we had Sophie lay on our laps int he middle of the ER waiting room and Sophie made a funny face that caused her airpassage to open up a bit more. Johnny stuck the straw up her nose and SUCKED! After two attempts POP the lego was OUT! We all screamed! We were cheering and made quite a commotion and yelled, "We're outta here!" Stood up and got ready to walk out. The nice nurse, Kay, stopped us and said, "Wow...that was cool!"

We went out to celebrate and bought Sophie one of those Baskin Robin's Ice cream cone clowns. (Remember those? I used to love those!) And the lady behing the counter cave her a huge cup full of jelly beans (Cause she was so cute and got a lego stuck up her nose!)

Tonight she was so scared, so tender, so strong and so beautiful! What a remarkable little girl. And hopefully tomorrow Ethan won't stick legos up his nose just to try to get an icecream!

Friday, January 04, 2008


So I've been doing more research on candidates over my Chritstmas Break "free" time...and I came to the conclusion that I think Elizabeth Kucinich and I would be good friends. What an amazing woman and a worthy life lived so far. Now she would set a new standard as a First Lady...maybe finally address some real issues. Like poverty, peace and social justice! And I think she has the (very feminine) balls to get things done.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Mr. Tolkien

SO if you know anything about my kids, you know they love LoTR. So today we had Hobbit Stew for dinner (it's the only way they will eat the stuff if I call it that!) and lembas bread. And for dessert we had a Gondorian castle bundt cake and sang Happy Birthday.

Never would I have imagined the things I would do as a mother to continue to spark the passions of my kids!

In Loving Memory

Carol B. Testwuide
20 June 1939-28 December 2007

You are dearly loved and will be missed by those who ever knew you.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Pick Your Candidate

This is a helpful tool...but please educate yourself.