Thursday, March 13, 2008

Been a Long Time

So this blogging has got to go in waves...I just can't keep up. So here are a few of the highlights:

Sophie is technically now in 1st grade.
Parents get home today.
Signing the boys up for guitar lessons at Encino Rec Center.
Missed the Derek Webb at Knitting Factory last night.
Went to Trader Joes.
Trying Blue Agave Sweetner in my coffee this morning instead of splenda.
Dealing with my seemingly bipolar son who turns 10 on Saturday who has some serious anger issues...but all of that is probably because he is almost 10. the onions, peas, beans, grapes, blueberrie, strawberries going...waiting to buy my tomatoes.
Really tired.
Can't seem to get over this time change.
Boys sent a letter to Peter Jackson today saying they wanted to help out with "The Hoddit"...yes, they are in 3rd and 4th grade and still make reversals.
Decided as a teacher that cursive really isn't important.
Actually I'm technically not a teacher...just a "teaching parent". But what the allows me to keep homeschool (that is schooling at home in a virtual on-line public charter school) in California.
Still reading Anna Karenina.
Love it...but seriously have NO TIME.
Need a night off. (And not to run errands).
Still need to do the taxes...but dreading it.
Rally have to go start school, but not looking forward to the roller coaster of attitude that is currently circling my house right now.


Blogger 2manyironsinthefire said...

I love how real you are. Sounds like my days too except the home schooling. Life never seems to give us a big break. hang in there girl. you have a lot to show for your sacrafice's...Just look at those amazing kids....

12:33 PM  

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