Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another Funny Carter Story

I know that there will be more of these to that's why I'm putting in the old ones now! These are stories to NEVER forget!

"Ok so I was planning on venturing out on a nice little field trip with some of the moms to go to the LAPD helipad and get a tour to see the helicopters a friend has been working on for the past two weeks. Sounds fun right? The boys would love it? I’m sure they would have if only we had actually gotten there. Well, we set off in a caravan of four minivans at 9:30 in the morning down the 101. 40 minutes later we were still stuck in traffic and going out of our minds! Suddenly there was a break in the traffic and the two other moms –who were both ahead of me in WHITE minivans- pull ahead and start speeding 70+mph down the road to make up for lost time! I quickly follow suit. However, at this exact time Carter starts moaning in the back seat. You see, Carter has a tendency to get car sick and being the horrible mother I am forgot to bring ANYTHING to help in such a situation! During the confusion a third decoy WHITE minivan comes on the scene. In the chaos of the moment there is more moaning from the back seat, I look up and see the decoy minivan and think I am still going the right way only to realize I have just passed our exit and am heading in the wrong direction. Then piercing screams echo from the back seat, “I’VE GOT TO PUKE!!!!” And Carter then blows chunks all over himself, Ethan’s seat and the floor. By the time I was able to turn myself around and get back to the parking lot of the helipad (20 minutes later) the smell of hot puke had filled the van. At this point it was decision time. Clean up my son covered in vomit and try to make the most of a bad situation by spending time with a bunch of police officers and a little boy with smelly puke all over his pants…or get home as quickly as possible. I chose the later and sped home. It had taken me 75 minutes to get to the LAPD and 30 minutes to get home. I LOVE LA! We got home and the kids enjoyed a nice video and picnic lunch in the play room and I spent the next hour scrubbing puke out of the van. The good news…the van is the cleanest it’s been in 5 months. The seats are still outside and I’m just letting the sun bake the stinkiness away. I still smell puke even though I’ve washed my hands 5 times and have done 2 loads of puky laundry….I’m tired…I’m hungry….but I made it though the fire of a vomiting boy in rush hour traffic on the 101 in LA…it can’t get much worse than that!…but I don’t think I will attempt anymore education for the day. I just need to go to bed."

Thursday, October 14, 2004

So if you've ever had a day worse than this I want to know about it!


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