Thursday, June 23, 2005


I saw Dr. Taras today and he gave me the results of my blood work he took a week ago at my post op appt. I’ve still been wrestling with fatigue even after the surgery and so I mentioned it to him last week. Anyway, Taras thought the fatigue was because of having four kids, life whatever and sent me home with info on depression medications and weight loss medications thinking those could be other possible reasons for the fatigue. He kinda threw me a bone and said he would take these other blood tests for Chronic Fatigue & something else but seriously thought nothing would come of that. (He even said that again today.) But today when I was getting the TB shot he gave me a copy of my blood work and said that he thought it was strange that I came back positive with the “Epstein-Barr Virus”. Which he didn’t really say that in the office and I had the kids and was on a tight schedule so I just took the info and left and it wasn’t till I got home later I even figured out what “EBV” stood for.

So now I go see some Infectious Disease doctor on Friday and the saga goes on in the mean time...I am just so stinking tired!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Ok so I was taking a nap this afternoon on the couch - totally asleep- and all of a sudden the couch started shaking. Half asleep I was like "Oh my's an earthquake!" Then I paused and the motion stopped. I lay there thinking, "Will it hit again?" "Will the house fall in on me?" "Are the kids safe?" "What about the boys at school?" "Are we gonna die?"

But the motion didn't start I rolled over and went back to sleep. It wasn't till I checked my email later that I realized I wasn't delusional...but we did indeed infact have an earthquake...and I just went to sleep.

Does that make me an "Official Californian" now?

Friday, June 03, 2005

Fed Up With Fatigue's been a while, I know...I had the surgery - which went well - so I thought. Johnny & I went to Anaheim with some friend like two weeks later and I got my period (bummer!). It was A LOT lighter than it had been so I was encouraged...but then it lasted like 9 again I was bummed! On top of that I was STILL overcome with fatigue which lasted from May 21 until June 2nd. I can't stand this!!! I feel so crippled. I am constantly thinking about sleeping. Within 20 minutes of waking up in the morning after a full night's rest I want to crawl back under the covers - which is IMPOSSIBLE with 4 kids! Johnny tries to be encouraging and helpful...but I know he's sick of it too. Half the time I walk around zombified...I just want this to be OVER!

So, I guess the saga of battling with my womanhood continues.....