Wednesday, September 28, 2005


There is nothing in this life that annoys me like flies. I hate them. I despise them. They really piss me off. They are so dirty and to see them on my food or landing on my trash can is juat so disgusting and I really can't stand it.

Well, we live in Southern California. And I must mention that we are TOTAL cheapskates. So we litterally only had our AC on like 3 days this whole summer. so I know, you are thinking - Screendoors? Right, I know, I'm not an idiot. However, with four kids 3-7 it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep any door shut in our house - not to mention three of them. So I am stuck at home having to deal with the nuciance of flies.

I dawn my trust weapon and spend countless minutes beating the bastards to a pulp. Interestingly enough - over the past two summers I have learned a lot about these beastly creatures and also a lot about my own life through them.

When you kill a fly you have to beat the beegeebees out of that thing. One swat is not enough. For months I would swat adn then scoop the dead carcass into the trash. Yet the next time I scoop another fly into the trash can (like 15 minutes later) three flys would fly out. I realized that these flies are tricky! They play dead. You think you got them with one swat - but no - RESURECTION. They come back. ANd they keep comngback. I once saw a fly buzzing around my kitchen with half his guts literally hanging part way out of his body. So GROSS!

I realized that unless I beat them beyond recognition then they keep coming back. Since learning this lesson the fly situation is still bad - but I do a better job getting rid of them quicker.

I think that's like our sin. It keeps coming back to haunt us over and over and over again, unless we let God take his big swatter in the sky and beat the pulp out of our sinf until we can't recognize it any longer. Only then are we free to live in peace - that is until we open the door again and let more in!

More fly theology later...I need a nap!


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