Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Finding My Way at VBS

Ok so this week is VBS at my church. And for my part I am the Bible Expedition Story Teller for the Preschool and Nursery kids. Now I love my kids and I love the excitement of walking on campus during VBS. Now, my passion in ministry is geared toward high school kids. But I gotta tell you, I am also realizing that my other major passion is teaching the Word of God. Even though these are little 2-5 year olds, man, I love telling these kids about Christ! And then I walk around campus and they see me and smile and's just so stinking cute! The same has been true for those summer camp kids. There is just something in me that lights up when I get to tell these little kids the stories of the Bible and the truths of what Jesus has done for us.

I don't know if I am ever gonna fully be living out my passions in Youth Ministry. But for now I'm trying to enjoy where I am servng with these little VBS kids and the Summer Camp school kids. Talk about serving God in the place he has put you. For now I will serve faithfully and just wait and see if any YM will ever happen.


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