Monday, July 04, 2005

Fatigue Update...why I hate doctors!

Well, I went to the infectious disease doctor who basically said nothing was wrong with me and I should take a vitamin and excercise. (THAT pissed me off!) I hate it when I am telling doctors there is a problem and they patronizingly say I'm fine and I'm just tired because I have four kids. Duh! I know I have four kids...I'm not a moron...but something else MUST be going on if it is worth me paying to go to a doctor to try to figure this out. So the doc took some blood work - more blood work. So we are checking a few more things but if she can't figure this out (highly unlikely) than I think I'm gonna do the research myself and check into some alternative medicine/ supplemental stuff.

It's all just such a pain in the butt!


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