Friday, April 01, 2005

What a Week...

Will it EVER end? I tell you what...I lost track by Tuesday of the amount of times some one in this family puked or I had to change a diaharea diaper. DISGUSTING!!! I swear, our family has never been so CONSTANTLY sick as we have this 2005 in California.

Ethan was diagnosed with Walking Pnenomia last Thursday and since then he has picked up a stomach virus which has cycled through Sophie and Carter. I can't remember who has been barfing when. I am so very tired of all of this. Dr. Allison has already been to the house twice and is coming by again tonight!!!

I mean, c'mon! Some Spring Break! We went to the beach yesterday and Ethan puked in the sand and then same thing today at the park. Poor guy. He is just so sad. I feel so bad for the little guy.

And all this while it is another "BVD" for me. (Day 10)

Will it EVER end?


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