Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Great Day!

Today was the funnest day! Johnny & I took Ethan and Sophie to church at like 7:30am and they watched DVDs and ate poptarts in Daddy's office as we began to rearrange Pastor Dale's office. (FINALLY!) I think we've been planning on doing this since November?!? Taylor and Carter were off with Grandma & Grandpa and after 1 1/2 hours with the little guys we dropped them off with the 'rents too. Then we made a nice trip to IKEA (my favorite!) and got a lot of stuff to hook Dale up!

We got back around 1pm and spent the next several hours assembling, rearranging, sorting and hiding a lot of CRAP!!! I broke so many stinkin' nails today!!! Finally at like 4:30 we "saw the light" and were finally making noticible progress. Dale had a lot of CRAP! (Very important crap I am sure...but meh-ssy!) It's a wonder the guy can get anything done living in that clutter. It really DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! So I am feeling much better tonight knowing things are much more organized!!!

I really am dying to hear his reaction! He is totally going to pee in his pants with excitement it is just so freakin' cool! I really can't believe we made it look as good as we did! I really think this is my "spiritual gift" (ha ha)...it would have made a really good show on TV. The "before" and "after" are dramatic contrasts!

I am so excited!...Does that make me totally pathetic?


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