Monday, April 04, 2005


Ok this is funny...I was cleaning today, doing laundry, etc. and the kids were watching a video. I had my MP3 player on and was listening to the headphones. Matt Redman's song "Facedown" came on and I totally love that song. So I decided to take a moment and just stop to humble myself in worship facedown in the midst of the lanudry and life. (Also I was putting yesterday's sermon to practice and heeding Pastor Dale's "challenge point" to spend time this week facedown before the Lord.) So I'm there on the floor, song playing and I hear someone come up to me and ask a question which I couldn't make out. Hiding my head I said, "I'll deal with it in a miunte." But the person didn't go away. Finally a bit frustrated my "Great moment of worship" was being interupted, I looked up and there was Sophie wiggling her little fingers in the air, with a BIG smile on her face. Apparently she had pooped and decided to do a little scratching. SO there I am trying to "worship" but having to tend to my little princess with the poopy fingers. And in the midst of all of that I just started laughing! Life is not made up of pockets of time where we come before the Lord in "worship"...ALL OF LIFE IS WORSHIP! (Thank you Marvin Wilson!) And even in the midst of wiping little poop covered fingers I was able to catch a glimpse of my heavenly Father smiling down and laughing, knowing that He can be worshiped in reverence on our knees and He can be worshiped in the midst of changing a stinky diaper. What matters is not the mode or method...but the heart of worship. I want to live in a way that my heart is bowed facedown even in the midst of the laundry and the poop...and then when I do get those rare moments to enter into His sanctuary with reverence my heart is already prepared to fall facedown.

"And I fall facedown, as your glory shines around..."


Blogger Steve said...

Malia- When Johnny mentioned your blog in church, that sent me looking for it. Looks like I found it. Blogs are weird things that are kind of public, kind of private, and I never know where I stand when reading someone's blog. If you mean your blog to be private, please forgive the intrusion. Let me know, and I won't visit again.

I have a blog too. If you're ever interested, I think you can find it by clicking on my name above.

Nice post!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

Hey...that's pretty good you found it...I want to know how because I don't believe we had it on search engines. Anyway, I told Sarah today...I don't so much mind people stopping by to visit my brain. I try to be discreet when talking about situations or other people (outside my kids). But understanding that these are at times my uncensored thoughts. (Thus the point of the blog, right?) All I can say is, Jesus reads my I guess you can too. Do you want a 'code name' if I ever have a bad or embarassing story to tell about you? I'll let you pick it yourself!

Yeah...I think my kids will be the one's with the biggest problem with my blog when they reach puberty and find out I wrote stories about them pooping and puking for the world to see! "Oh, mom!" I guess I'm screwed!

2:07 PM  

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