Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Putting the Pieces Together

Well, a few weeks ago we invited a couple from our church into our home. Their lease ran out, they were hard pressed for cash and the didn't have a place to crash. They were building a home in Georgia, but couldn't more until the middle of December. What seems like a big imposition, has been nothing but a blessing for my family. Fran and Michael are a true gift. And I know this best of all by seeing it through the eyes of my little four-year-old boy, Ethan. To Ethan Fran and Michael are like Superman and Wonder Woman. They are his super heros. And better than that they are also 3rd service Sunday night teachers. From the first night he met them he fell in love with Fran and Michael...and then to find out they were coming to live with us...could heaven be any better?

Ethan has been estatic. He wakes up every morning and goes out to say good morning to F&M. After school he is so excited to see them. He plays cars with them, watches TV with them and even talks them into feeding him. For a 4-year-old a best buddy doesn't get any closer!

Well, tonight it happened. I was in Ethan's bedroom helping Sophie get her PJs on. Ethan came in from the garage where F&M are staying and he was balling. He said, "Mom, they are going to Georgia!"

(Now Ethan has known since day one that F&M were moving to Gerogia. But at that moment it "clicked" that Georgia was a bit farther away than our own back yard. He was devistated.)

The mother in me grabbed hold of him and held him on the bed. I wanted to tell him that everthing would be ok. But it really wouldn't. Fran & Michael were going to leave in 3 1/2 weeks. And as far as I know we have NO plans to visit Georgia any time soon. What was I to say? I couldn't lie to my boy.My heart just broke for his precious little heart. And I started crying with him.

After he settled down a bit we talked about how we could write letters, or send emails, packages and phone calls. In his little brain he knew it wouldn't be the same. I could just see the pain becoming more and more real. His little heart breaking just tore mine right in two.

So if you think of it, say a little prayer for my brave little boy. He just has the most tender and sincere heart. As a mom, this kills me.


Blogger Steve said...

Sarah: I'll admit its a beautiful story, but you're already trying to give our daughter away!? Sheesh. This is why dads are needed.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

That is funny! I am just afraid of the emotional anguish Ethan will go through if "his intended" has to move far away too. He might just want to go ahead and join your family! He has such a sweet heart! It's amazing something that sweet and pure of heart came out of me! Ahhh...mercy!

8:32 AM  

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