Wednesday, March 01, 2006

That Prayer

A Voice: Lord Jesus Christ, God's glory and love shone through you that day on the mountain and you persisted in revealing that glory and love through your words and deeds; through your life of humble service. We hear again these wonderful words of God "You are my Son, the Beloved, listen to him!"
We confess our failure to listen to you because of the influence on our lives of the gods of this world. When this happens our attitudes conceal rather than reveal your glory and your love.

A Voice: If we conceal your love because our pursuit of other priorities prevents us from seeing and serving people in need:

All: Forgive us, Lord.

A Voice: If we conceal your glory because all we reflect is our own self-centredness:

All: Heal us, Lord

A Voice: If we conceal your truth through our lack of credible witness:

All: Change us, Lord.

A Voice: If we conceal your justice through our failure to empower those who are powerless:

All: Forgive us, Lord.

A Voice: If we conceal your mercy because of our hard and unforgiving attitudes:

All: Heal us, Lord

A Voice: If we conceal your compassion because of our prejudice and intolerance:

All: Change us, Lord.

A Voice: Lord Jesus Christ, cleanse our lives of all shameful attitudes of mind and heart so that we reveal your glory in and through all we do and say and are.
This we pray in your name and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen

It is the God who said, " Let light shine out of darkness" who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. ( 2 Corinthians 4:6 ) The good news is that we are not only enlightened by our belief in Christ, we are cleansed and we are forgiven!

With passion and joy let us give thanks!

ALL: Thanks be to God!


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