Saturday, January 14, 2006

Do it ALL to the Glory of God...

I am SO tired! I think I've been up until midnight for the past two weeks. And then kids waking up at night...peeing in their beds...scared of the just goes on and on. And then today Johnny is gone ALL day at a planning meeting with the elders and Pastors of our church (so it will be a long night of debriefing-I think we'll need to have another soft drink!) But Sophie has decided that today is the day to potty train. WHAT A JOY! I feel like I am covered in CRAP! But I am proud of my naked little girl. She's already pooped 4 TIMES today and it's not even noon! That is amazing that there can be so much crap in such a little person! Even the boys are helping as they all huddle in the bathroom surrounding little naked Sophia. Carter and Taylor are reading her books! Yea, working on reading and potty training all at the same time. Wow! We can multi-task!

I heard a great quote today - that is VERY appropriate today!

"If God does not rule in the mundane of your life, than God does not rule in your life." -Paul David Tripp

Here's to crapping for the Glory of God! Way to go, princess!


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