Thursday, November 17, 2005

'H' is for Hannah

So the other day I was in Ethan's room putting his clothes in his dresser. He was under his bed playing. I looked up and noticed that someone had taken a crayon and written a big capital letter "H" on the wall next to Ethan's bed.

Within seconds I went through a whole course of reactions. My initial reation was disappointment that someone had written on the wall with crayon. I then was very excited realizing that Ethan did it and he wrote a pretty good capital H. I was proud of my boy for writing his letter! But then I thought, "Why 'H'?" Why not a big capital 'E' for Ethan? SO I asked him, "Ethan, what does 'H' stand for?" And sweet hearted little Ethan replies, "'H' is for Hannah...HannahBannana!"

It was SO CUTE I really couldn't be mad at him about the crayon...and i also thought it was so cute I left it there on the wall!

Oh my gosh! If this is what the preschool years are like what is adolescence gonna be like with three strapping men and a little princess? Wow! I think I like the idea of arranged marriage even more everyday!

Steve...Sarah...are you ready to draft up the papers? :)


Blogger Steve said...

I think this post just convinced me not to take a cool job at Disneyland that I might get offered next week. Seriously.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

Yeah...who knows if they could stand such a long engagement from such a great distance! So does this mean you'll be here forever???? :)

2:29 PM  

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