Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day Seven: Reunion II

Tuesday morning I got to visit with two of my favorite people int he whole world. I had missed them both at the party on Sunday night...so it was SO GOOD to be able to stop by on our way out of town. These are two friends who I was "close" to when I lived in C'ville, but I lived on the other side of town so with all the little kids we never saw each other as much as I would've liked.

But I'm so glad they have kept close. It was just so good to see them and see the kids and hear stories and catch up. I just miss them. We knew such amazing people in C'ville. It's the people I miss.

Lauren & Karen I love you guys so much! You are both such beautiful people to me. You hearts are big and open and understanding, adn I thank God for both of you! You HAVE to visit me in LA!!! I love you both so much!



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