Friday, June 23, 2006

Day Two: The Fart

I am such a bad mom...and I feel horrible. But this is just too darn funny NOT to blog about it! And one day it will make a really good scene in one of my movies I'm writing in my head.

So tonight I was trying to put the kids to bed for the third time. It was 10:30PM (which was kinda 7:30PM their time). They were pretty wild and very frustrating. And I was a bout to loose my patience and yell at them, but instead I thought I'd try to be funny. I was trying to get their attention - to no avail. SO I lifted up my right leg and let out this HUGE fart. Everyone stopped talking and jumping and screaming and looked at me. Then we all started busting out laughing! It was really hilarious! All of a sudden, Ethan got the crazy idea to come over and smell my fart...which led to allt he kids doing the same. Ha ha Funny Funny! Ok yeah, it stank pretty bad after the chicken salad with some strange vinagrette dressing I had for dinner.

We went back to the bedtime routine. I was tucking in the guys and just had to fart again (it was the last time I swear!). This I was standing inbetween the two mattress on the floor. Again, it was just as funny! This time Ethan and Sophie both stood up and can over to smell my butt - thinking that was so hilarious! I was dealing with Taylor & Carter and Ethan & Sophie ran off into the other room to tell daddy what happened. All of a sudden I hear Ethan crying from the other room and scraming for me. I thought daddy reamed him out for not being respectful of mommy. But I went in to find him and he was standing over the potty puking his dinner out. Sophie was with him and was coughing into the potty. I felt so bad! Initially I though, my poor baby is getting sick...he must've picked up a virus on the flight.

Later I realized that Ethan puked becasue he smelled my fart. Isn't so aweful and funny all at the same time? Poor guy! J. died of laughter when I told him the story! His answer was it serves you right to puke if your gonna go around sticking your nose in someone else's butt! Later that night I went to check on Ethan and he said, "Mommy, I don't want to smell your burps again!"

I don't blame you buddy!

I'm so embarressed.


Blogger N.C. said...

you must have had corrosion, hell and death comin' out of you!

I just pissed myself I laughed so hard.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Kyrie Eleison said...

It wasn't THAT bad...he just stuck his nose in my butt and then went running away...I think that's like the do not swim for 30 minutes after you eat rule. So remember, don't smell farts and go running!

6:02 PM  
Blogger marcelliott said...

i'm sure J is so proud of you.
First the winner of the belching contest, and now the winner of the fart so bad it made a child throw up!

gosh i'm gonna miss you guys. . .


1:28 AM  

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