Sunday, September 03, 2006

For the Love of Middle-Earth!

So my life is now encompassed around all things Middle-Earth. My sons have re-invented their love and passion for "All things Tolkein". We are currently reading "The Simarillion" (Man, talk about a HARD book to read aloud to little kids - trying to pronounce ALL THOSE NAMES!!! Unless you've tried to read it, you have NO IDEA what I'm talking about!) But we are having a blast.

The kids wake up in the morning and "play LOTR" then we usually have "Lembas Bread" for breakfast (some version of toast - or waffles) Then more playing. Today the boys recreated the entire cast of LOTR with their Lego guys. Very Cute...and creative! Then Lunch comes after second breakfast and a snack at "Elevensies". (I swear my kids eat like Hobbits!)

Then on to LOTR video games in the afternoon, or coloring all sorts of battle scenes. (No one can draw thousands of Orcs like Carty). Then more playing. Then sword weilding practice (with sticks of course...what kind of mother do you think I am?) Then for Dinner we had "Lord Denethor Chicken" (chicken legs) "Hobbitton Mashed Po-Tay-Toes," "Pureed Rivendell Apples" (Applesauce) and of course, more "Lembas Bread". Oh and of course, "Ale from the Green Dragon" (Lemonade). All this to watching their Disc of choice from the Extended Editions of course!

The kids have LOVED it. They themselves dived in deep, but now that we "play along" - they LOVE it all the more! (We are even trying to talk daddy into being Gollum for Halloween!)

It is a beautiful thing to see your kids so "into" something. I love the creativity and the joy!

And the spiritual discussions we have had through reading The Simarillion has been amazing. My kids are seeing God through The Lord of the Rings...pretty cool.

The Simarillion is a tough book, granted. But, I think everyone should AT LEAST read the first chapter (it's short) where the "God character" Iluvitar, begins a tune that will in turn birth into reality all of creation. It is utterly beautiful. Unbelievable. And you see a new perspective of the mind of God and quite possibly what he was thinking when he was in the heavens with the angels (good and bad) looking out into the void knowing what would happen and yet CREATING.


...I think our next step is to learn Tengwar.

What a mother's unending! (But I love it!)


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