Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sex Church

So this is hilarious! We actually decided to go to church this morning. We have a neighbor who is a Pastor and we've been meaning to get to his church for over two years now. So we took the opportunity to visit this morning. They are with Calvary Chapel that has this thing of preaching straight through the New Testament. So today of all sundays happened to be I Corinthians 7:1-5 which is all about sex. I think the sermon title was "loving your Love Life". Well, we failed to realize this at first. We tried to drop Beefy and Sofa off at kid's church, but they just FREAKED! (My kids HATE church.) So we decided to "worship together as a family" except there wasn't too much "parenting in the pew" once we found out what the subject was.

Anyway, they had food in the back so our kids nibbled on a muffin while the pastor spoke in "code" about the "Marriage Bed".

It really was a great church with a GREAT community of people. Really warm and inviting...however I feel we won't make our home there just because I can't get back into the whole "church planting vortex"...I think we are jsut too raw for that right now.

I want to be annonomous.

Steeplechase continues...


Blogger N.C. said...

Frankly, I think that whole approach is...stupid.

It comes from an admirable place and desire.

But sincerity is over-rated.

Good people, great intentions, bad execution.

We've all been there I guess.

9:16 PM  

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