Thursday, August 17, 2006

Automated Message Church

Oh MY GOSH! Can I just say there is a new level of disgust I just entered today for Evangelical Cookie-Cutter churches!

I was talking to my dad this morning on my patio and the phone rang. I ran inside to answer it since we were expecting out school teacher to arrive in an hour and I thought she might need directions. SO I picked up the phone. As I did I looked at the caller ID and it said "Pizza Church" (not really, that's just code). I thought why would anyone be calling from "Pizza Church"? My brain rattled off a host of reasons all in the 3.5 seconds that the phone rang for a third time. Who do I know at Pizza Church? Maybe they are calling Jay about that resume? Maybe they got out number when we visited? Maybe it's someone calling us to invite us back. Fear gripped me as I pushed the connect button. My finger wasn't working in step with my brain. My brain said, "What are you doing? Don't you remember that time you were trapped on the phone with that Elder from that bible-Belt church in backwoods Virginia from that church you visited that one time? Why did you click the button? I don't want to talk to a live person about church! You should've let the machine get it. Then I call back on MY terms! Why did you..."

Just then I answered, "Hello?"

What happened next sent a boiling sensation through my veins. I was dumbfounded and pissed off! It was an Automated Message inviting me to some children's ministry event. I don't even know what it was because I was SO BLOWN AWAY that a church would resort to tactics of telemarketers adn politicians. HOW IMPERSONAL!

I found myself wanting to deffend them..."It's a big church, I understand...they've got a lot of people to call." NO FREAKING WAY!!!! If you are that big of a church and have that many calls to make, then you recruit THAT MANY VOLUNTEERS!

What it communicates to me is I'm just a number and that church doesn't really give a CRAP about me as a person and they just want to push my kids through the dough press of the Chrsitian Cookie-Cutter Cut Out. Uhhh!!!

That's what makes me so disgusted with the "Big Box Evangelical Churches in America."

Needless to say I let Jay listen to part of the message. Then I hung up on it. We'll never go back there...

The Steeplechase continues....


Blogger N.C. said...

Are you kidding me?!?!
That's such a pile.

Some days I really hate churches.

2:20 PM  

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