Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Anything to save a Buck...

Since Tay was a baby he would scream BLOODY MURDER whenever we gave him a haircut. We could not take him to a professional because they just couldn't do their job with all the screaming. (I'm NOT kidding - we were affraid social services would wind up on our door step.) Ever since then, the younger kids have all followed Tay's example and Haircuts have become my thorn in the flesh ever since.

Today I had to cut Sophie's locks to correct her wack job during nap time yesterday. So while I was at it I thought I'd trim the other boys as well. I ALSWAYS screw up on Taylor's so I wanted to be careful. Carter had these BEAUTIFUL curly locks. And with the whitte blonde hair he looked like a gorgeous little surfer boy. Although it was getting long and hot and I thought I'd trim it some. He had a great attitude all through the cut. He even offered to go first. Well...I cut too much and kinda botched the job. Because it got a little bit shorter the curls went away. He HATES it, and has been crying, moaning, whinning and complaining and mourning the loss of his surfer hair for 2 hours now. I feel SO bad...but what can you do? I told him it would grow back...he wasn't encouraged.

Sophie's got "fixed". It's alright. Not the cutest...but I did the best I could for what I had to work with. Well...it's hair...it WILL grow back. And until then, maybe I'll buy some earplugs.


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