Friday, July 28, 2006

Reality Summer

Can I just say, I hate all the reality tv shows that are on this summer. We don't have cable (too cheap, just too many channels) so if I want to watch tv reality is al there is it seems. It reminds me of living in Italy watching AFRTS where there was only one channel. So you either watch what was on, or find something else to do. (I never thought I would actually LIKE "MacGyver".)

So how do you diferentiate between all these making of a Roack Star shows and who lives in what house and is deceiving or kissing whom.'s all a bunch of horse puckey...and yet we all keep watching. Because at the end of the day there really is nothing else we can do except veg out infront of the TV. To awake to sleep, to tired to read, to brain dead for anything but sitting and zoning out.

If I had to choose, I think my favorite is "Rock Star:Supernova". Dave Navarro and Tommy Lee are just keeping it real. That's nice to see on TV. And there actually is some GOOD music - now wheter or not the contestents can actually pull it off - that is the question.

And so life goes on...and we keep on watching.



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