Saturday, August 12, 2006

I'm back

I've been on a bit of a blog hiatus. Just too much going on to go over it all. So here are the highlights of the past two weeks:

VBS week has come and gone. (Hallelujah!)
I transformed my VBS shirt into something fashionable (with spaghetti straps for summer and to uphold my "image" HA!)
I had a checkout clerk at Target try to pick me up while I was wearing my newly redesigned VBS shirt.
He said to tell my husband "he is a smart and lucky man."
Had a good time at VBS.
Loved the kids.
Weird being back at church.
Got over it.
Had a good week.
Glad it ended though.
So tired!
Got our 2000 Toyota Sienna Van stolen right out of our driveway Thursday night after VBS.
Woke up Friday AM and just couldn't believe it.
Got over it.
Took my neice and sister-in-law to American Girl Place with Sofa.
Had a fun time.
So girly!
Got hot and tired.
Couldn't believe the van was stolen!
Went to VBS Fiesta BBQ.
Good to see old friends.
Felt like I spent ALL DAY Saturday online researching vehicles to buy.
Except for:
Hitting The Boulevard for signing the Insurance Papers
Taking Beefin to Build-a-bear to make a Superman Dog
And having a Superman Party for my Beefy who turned 5!
It was a sweet moment when he realized the Superman bike WAS for him and not J&N's baby. (long story)
Did more shopping for vehicles online.
Research. Research. Research.
Realized this is a good but crappy place to be in.
Stuck at home since our car isn't big enough for the whole family.
Felt a Terrible Cold Comin' On...
Sunday AM when to the church of the Good Housekeeper.
Spent more time online.
Had G&G come watch the kids.
Definitely feeling sick.
Took some medicine.
Went out to buy a car.
Checked out the vans.
Checked out the one SUV we thought might work.
Checked out more vans.
Decided we really Liked the SUV.
Went to more dealerships.
Knew what we wanted from Consumer Reports.
Narrowed it down.
Haggled. Haggled. Haggled.
Bought a 2004 Toyota Sequoia.
Freaked out over our new car!!!!
Went home and died of sickness.
Mustered up enough strength to take the kids to Icecream in the new truck.
(They L-O-V-E it!!!)
Came home and crashed HARD!
Spent the next week, resting, recouperating and recovering from VBS and the whole van fiasco.
Began getting ready for Homeschooling.
Started a few lessons just to get a "taste" for it.
Wondering why I am spending so much time in preparation.
Feeling like I should just wait and wing it.
Trying Pilates.
Can't figure out my schedule at the YMCA.
Putting the kids to bed at 8PM so they can see daddy.
They get to sleep after 9:30 or 10:00PM.
They get out of their rooms a BAZILLION times to ask questions or get water, or tattle-tell.
DRIVE ME CRAZY after the 15th time of trying to be PATIENT.
Finally blow my top.
Feel like a bad mom.
Hope they don't hate me.
Spend the night in front of the TV bc that's ALL I have the strength for at the end of these days with the kids.
Realize the bedtime routine needs to change.
Looking forward to a potential vacation in September with the fam.
Loving my life.
Love being a mom.
LOVE seeing my husband happy again. (even if he's tired.)
Loving spending more time with my kids.
LOVE seeing my kids happy again.
Uncertain if I want them to be PKs for life.
Praying I haven't already ruined them.
Enjoying the simple things.
Resting in HIS future.
Not worried about it.
Just enjoying each day as it comes.
Wondering where to go to church tomorrow
Or if we should go...


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