Wednesday, October 24, 2007

One of the Smarter Shows on TV

I know...I know...crucify me...but one of my favorite new shows is Donnald Sutherland's "Dirty Sexy Money". It's actually one of those shows you walk away from and have to think - novel idea! A show that spurs thought. Hmmmm...

The main character, Nick, is a guy who is a lawyer representing one of NYC's richest families. He was given 10 million dollars to give away to charity as a side bonus of his job. Yet tonight's episode had some great lines about how he was too busy throwing million dollar birthday parties to be able to give an of the money to the less fortunate.

I loved that. We have a bankload of good to hand out, but are just too darn busy with the ins and outs of the everyday to do any good. So many times I go to bed and just think about how I blew it with the kids or whatever, just out of bad habits or laziness or whatever...instead of just taking the time to build in to them like I should. What would happen if I just said, "Screw the laundry and the dishes and the cleaning and I'm just gonna spend the whole day building in to my kids and not getting overwhelmed and yelling at them because their inability to act as fast as I want them too doesn't fit into MY schedule for the day"??? (I know...that was a run-on!)

What would happen if I just gave them my best for one day? How would it change them? How would that change me?

What the heck does that have to do with a TV show? I'm not's late.

Just more random thoughts....for what it's worth.


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