Friday, April 21, 2006

Spring Break - Day Five

Friday was another "at home" day. I went to Costco and bought out the store...since apparently I haven't shopped there in like a month! While I was gone Johnny started the "clean the crap out of the van" project! We had so much trash, garbage, food, Sunday School lessons, Easter candy, legos, snot and crap all over our van. So every six months whether it needs it or not (and it ALWAYS needs it!) we clean out the van, vacuum, armour all, and wash it.

And it literally took ALL DAY to clean out six months of crap! At 4pm the kids got to go hang out with G&G while Johnny & I went to dinner with an old friend. It was a good time. Nice to catch up, be real, open and honest. And then we had a meeting at church which was - ehhhh - we'll see. It's for the vision community at church. I'm still alittle skeptical that anything will become of it...

(I mean C'mon! How cute is Carter? Playing with the vacuum! So precious!)

Oh, yeah... I'm SLEEPY!


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