Monday, April 17, 2006

Holy Week?...Holy Cow - What a WEEK!

Well, it has most certainly been a marathon of a week! Palm Sunday started out a little unexpected. We had this joint worship service at our church with our hispanic congregation. It was a good time, great worship (musically) but then it totally bombed. I mean there were no palm brancehes for the real story of Palm Sunday even. What's up with that? So I went to 3rd Service, where we got palms and even got to march around the sanctuary while we were singing! (I stole four palms and took them home to my kids to tell them the palm sunday story myself.) SIDE NOTE: Ethan and Sophie did hear the "hosanna" story in preschool worship, they made palms, and even rode around the room on Miss Sarah as a Donkey! The cutest part was Sophie. "What did the people shout, Sophie?"

"Buhzanah! to the King!"

Monday through Wednesday was school, which was full of chapels and easter egg hunts and parties. Tuesday was an Elder Meeting, but nice dinner with NC2 and MM before hand. Wednesday night we sat down to dinner as a family and then began the "Ressurection Eggs". The kids were into it. As we were talking about the elements we got to the "cup" and began to discuss eucharist with the kids. That led into the most spontanious, beautiful time of Johnny leading his family in communion. It was truely amazing to see our little ones grasping such profound truths with such sincere and genuine faith. We passed the (Target/wheat/$1.02 a loaf sandwhich) bread and then daddy's glass of wine. (Sophie skipped the wine - not a big fan of the smell!) It was such a great time as a family.

Thursday the kids went with G&G to a "Last Supper" play at Bethel Luthern while Johnny and I attended the Maundy Thursday Service. Marc, Nathan, Johnny & I went out to find pizza and beverages after the no avail. Adrian's ran outta dough. What kinda pizza place runs out of dough? So we got guido's take out and had a "Lifegroup" Therapy session at home.

Friday was almost the same. Except this time Jill and our new friend, Jen joined the group. We went to the Good Friday service. (We took the kids to see Ice Age 2 earlier in the day.) It was all right. The band looked good. (Arg!) Another Life group session and more pizza. I love good friends!

Holy Saturday was an event! We brought the kids to church that night. The older guys did a GREAT job coloring and keeping quiet. The little guys needed a snack and a place to walk around, so I enjoyed the service from the West Trancept. All good. Tired Kids. No Lifegroup...but we needed a night off...I was so tired! So I went home, made quiche and put together Easter Baskets.

Sunday morning was a nice time around the house. Got the kids up, bathed and dressed. Had a blast looking at their "Easter Baskets". The boys got Baseball mits with grass and candy inside and Sophie got a Hello Kitty bike helmet filled with grass and candy. We got Easter pictures of the kids, had breakfast and then met daddy at church. (We even brought Eddie in his Easter polo.) The morning was best described as "whatever". The Worship Band really ROCKED OUT!!! It was nice to see that place alive for a change. I know Marc was pumped.

Later we had like 20 people over for a nice Easter Dinner. Firends old and new, and family. It was a nice mix. The older boys played baseball out front with Marc & Jordan. (So cute!) And then we had an Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids. Very fun times.

All in all it was a CRAZY, NON-STOP week. But a good one. And I'm thankful for it.

(Now I need a major nap!)


Blogger Steve said...

I think I'm gonna have to add Buhzanah to my vocabulary. I hope you don't mind.

2:04 PM  

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