Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Funny Story - for Steve & Sarah

Ok so Sunday I drop Ethan off at his class and he sees his little friend Hannah and says with excitement, "Mom!!!! Look at Hannah's pretty dress!" So cute! So I said, "Go tell her you think it's pretty!" I left the room and went to tell Sarah how cute our 4-year-olds were being. Sarah said a few weeks ago Hannah wore a specific "pretty dress" becuase she knew Ethan would tell her how beautiful it was. I mean, c'mon! How stinkin' cute is my little boy? So sensitive!

Well, later in the day we were home and I said, "Ethan! Did you tell Hannah she had a pretty dress?" He shook his head yes! I said, "What did she say?"

"I went to tell her and she burped. I smelled it and it was stinky!" He had a very cute, sheepish smile on his face like he said something he shouldn't, but he couldn't stop giggling.

"She burped out her mouth at you?" I questioned.

"No mom, she burped out her bottom!"

Strangely, smelling Hannah's gas made my little guy all the more indeared to her. (Sounds like they are married!)

These are the Salad Days!


Blogger Steve said...

There must be some sort of mistake. Fullers don't have gas, and even if we did, it would smell like roses.

2:36 PM  

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