Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Anti-Terrorist Dolphins

Seriously????? Uhhhh...go get 'em boys!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

TV Time

Lost is back. I'm so happy, but after watching season 1 &2 in like 3 weeks...last night was kinda just alright.

So now I'm hooked on 24.

Well...something had to take the place of Alias!


This whole astronaut debauchle is just weirding me out...I mean these are the best of the best? Ye-ah! I can't believe these are the crazies we are sending in to space. Koo-Koo!

I bet jay Leno is having a hay day with all of this!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Aftermath...

This has been a tough week for me. It's been a tough year. And it never seems to get any better. For a long time I have just felt stuck in a pit. Healing is a LONG and SLOW process. My family was brutally hurt emotionally last summer (and the year and a half prior.) It sucks...but, whatever...we move on and we HEAL. But the process is LONG and SLOW.

God continues to be good. He continues to be present. God continues to be faithful. But the process is LONG and SLOW. Sunday was a milestone along the way. There have been others. But Sunday was the most recent. Slowly I am letting go of all the pain, the hurt, the frustration, the anger. My kids are finally in a healthy place. They are doing well. I am growing. Working on my anger. Getting back in the Word. Resting in God. Releasing it to God. Finding my strength and hope and love in God.

But the process is LONG and SLOW.

Hearing Nick Vujicic speak Sunday allowed God to open a new area of my heart and allowed me to relase my pain and choose to trust in God's faithfulness to heal old wounds. A step forward.

I thought I was doing well. I thought I was finally healing. But then Monday brings one email from the past and the pain floods back.

Jay and I are watching 24 right now. We are catching up on the past seasons. We are in Season 2. But we were both so stuck by the character of Sherry Palmer. If you have never known a person like that in real life - than you have been spared and are truely blessed. If you have known or have ever been hurt by someone so manipulative, so venomous, so brutal...than you can understand that pain. And it takes a LONG time to get that poison out of your system.

In the midst of the pain, in the midst of the healing, I choose to trust in the faithfulness of God. I choose to trust, and rest on Him to get me though today.

Psalm 143 I read today.

"For the enemy has pursued my soul: he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me to sit in darkness like those long dead."

I may seem fine on the outside...but my soul has been pursued by the enemy, and I am still beaten up and bloody.

"For your name's sake, O Lord, preserve my life! In your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble!"

That is my hope. It is the Lord's work to accomplish in my heart. And HE is my hope and my salvation.

I am still so jadded. I am still so bitter...but God IS bringing healing.

The process is LONG and SLOW...but God is slowly pouring back into my heart and is giving me small doses of Himself. He is near. He is faithful. And He IS healing me.

But this all still just SUCKS.

Monday, February 05, 2007

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!

Yesterday we had an UN-BELIEVABLE worship experience at our church. We had the priviledge of being ministered to by Nick Vujicic. If you haven't heard his story it will blow you away.

He was born with no limbs. He has no arms and no legs but is an absolute testimony of the grace and pleasure of God. If you every get a chance to hear him speak -GO! It's unbeleivable. You start listening to him and all you think is "HOLY CRAP!!! That guy has no arms and no legs!" But as you listen you see his struggle but hear his victory over life's circumstances to find absolute joy and purpose in Jesus Christ. Unbelievable. By the end of the talk you are no longer thinking about his absence of appendages...but you are thinking, "Yeah, that's my buddy, Nick!" And you are drawn into worship. After meeting Nick there is no other response BUT to be drawn into worship. God is God. God is LOVE and God IS faithful. Through ups and downs and all of it, it is God and the truth of His word that pulls us all out of the pit and leads us into PRAISE.

Thanks Nick. What a testimony...What a life. It was so impacting I took Taylor and Carter back to the evening service...for them to see and hear and be changed. What an impact.

Check it out!

Botched Up Quote

Like 9 months ago Jay heard this quote from Rob Bell and taught it to our third born son. The point was that there is nothing you can ever do that will make me stop loving you or love you any less. Getting the point across of a father's love for his son as an example of our Father in Heaven's love for each of us no matter what we do, or who we are, or what we have done. God IS love and He LOVES us completely and unconditionally.

So I am always hearing Beefy and Jay going around the house saying this quote to each other - which is totally cute! But today I stopped and realized what it was they were actually saying to each other and I said to Jay, "Babe...I think you got it wrong..."

Here's what he taught my son:

"There is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you less."

Did you get it? No matter what you do...there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you LESS. I will not love you any more!

Funny...poor corrupted son...Way to go babe. GREAT!