Monday, February 05, 2007

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!

Yesterday we had an UN-BELIEVABLE worship experience at our church. We had the priviledge of being ministered to by Nick Vujicic. If you haven't heard his story it will blow you away.

He was born with no limbs. He has no arms and no legs but is an absolute testimony of the grace and pleasure of God. If you every get a chance to hear him speak -GO! It's unbeleivable. You start listening to him and all you think is "HOLY CRAP!!! That guy has no arms and no legs!" But as you listen you see his struggle but hear his victory over life's circumstances to find absolute joy and purpose in Jesus Christ. Unbelievable. By the end of the talk you are no longer thinking about his absence of appendages...but you are thinking, "Yeah, that's my buddy, Nick!" And you are drawn into worship. After meeting Nick there is no other response BUT to be drawn into worship. God is God. God is LOVE and God IS faithful. Through ups and downs and all of it, it is God and the truth of His word that pulls us all out of the pit and leads us into PRAISE.

Thanks Nick. What a testimony...What a life. It was so impacting I took Taylor and Carter back to the evening service...for them to see and hear and be changed. What an impact.

Check it out!


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