Friday, April 20, 2007

DAY EIGHT: 28 March, Heaven on Earth

Awake at 8:00AM. Impressed I got up so early!
Leave for La Fontaine.




A Worship experience of all 5 senses.

This IS what Heaven will be like.

It was the home of an old pearl merchant in Bahrain. Jean Marc Sinan restored and reinvented the place making it feel like you are in paradise in the middle of a bustling city. For some history of the place click here.

The whole experience was a work of art.

And the best part was it was like we rented out the whole complex. We didn't see one other person the whole time we were there. (Except for the staff people who were waiting on us hand and foot.)

We started with a hour long full body massage.

Then rested out by the pool. It started to sprinkle - which is unheard of for Bahrain in March. I took a nap by the pool under a wooden canopy.

Then to the restaurant for an amazing beef fillet. We had the place to ourselves. Georgous! And then it started to downpour. The sound was so relaxing! Heaven, I swear will be like this! I would move to Bahrain just for La Fontaine! And the prices will astound you for food and services compared to the west. I would go weekly if I lived here!

The food experience was right up there with Ortolan (except for the lack of alcohol.)
Then we wandered through the facility and spent time in the art gallery viewing Beyond Words , Calligraphy by the Iranian artist, Golnaz Fahti. Quite moving.


Ok, back to reality...picked up kids.
Esku make Ethopian food for dinner. Really good stuff, and ANOTHER great cultural experience.
Kids to bed.
Out with Dan & Nicole to Seef Mall.
The GAP and Banana Republic just opened up. It was hilarious in a mall full of barely anyone in stores, and no one with shopping bags (because their house help carry them back to the car many times) to see like 50 women in Abiyahs crowded around the check-out at The Gap waiting to buy the new Spring line. (for full price -Yikes! And everything there was like 1/3 more expensive than at our Gap. However it was cheaper than Gap in London.) And then is was cool to be seen with your Gap bag. Just funny.

Out for smoothies at Waterlemon. When we go out for drinks, it's cocktails. When they go out for drinks, it's smoothies or coffee. Bean would miss her Appletinis!
Ran in to some friends.
Home and to bed.
Whatta day!


Blogger N.C. said...

Sounds gorgeous.
I love Ethiopian food!
Love it!

Hey...tell J I got the tending gig.
I'm a drink slinger!

2:20 PM  
Blogger Bean said... martini's! I miss them with --with the sacrifices I'm making now. I also miss you, too!

8:15 PM  

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