Friday, April 29, 2005

Poop Fest - Day Two

Well, Ethan is coming along...he has now progressed to peeing standing up (what a BOY!) The pooping is happening...hopefully no more accidents. I just realized Daddy took both Sophie and Ethan out for a date and I don't believe he took any emergency supplies with him. YIKES! Well, God bless him and hopefully their time will go well. Ethan was in underwear this might not be looking good for Johnny!

I have been really bitchy today...I will not be sad when this whole period dilema is OVER! May 9th I'm having surgery to hopefully fix the problem. I am going to blast my uterus with electricity and remove the lining of the uterus. Hopefully that will work...sounds pretty cool.

Until then I am in an utter state of pissiness, thanks to the hormones and PMS crap. God, I love being a woman! ARGGGG!!!!

It's not even noon...but I think I need a nap...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Potty Time

I think I am going to DIE!!!! I am AGAIN in the throws of potty training two about giving up your life! I am seriously going's day two. I think Ethan is actually taking to it but Sophie is just in a constant state of whinning over getting chocolate chips for peeing....ARG!!!! Sometimes diapers just seem so much easier. I hate this rite of passage....think of all the good that will come from this...I can check three kids into the IKEA playland and go shopping in more stinky poo to wipe (actually I'll still be doing that for some time.) I KNOW this is a good thing...but in the midst of the struggle it really sucks! (I think I feel a sermon illustration coming on!)

It's time to get to know your potty chair....

Monday, April 04, 2005


Ok this is funny...I was cleaning today, doing laundry, etc. and the kids were watching a video. I had my MP3 player on and was listening to the headphones. Matt Redman's song "Facedown" came on and I totally love that song. So I decided to take a moment and just stop to humble myself in worship facedown in the midst of the lanudry and life. (Also I was putting yesterday's sermon to practice and heeding Pastor Dale's "challenge point" to spend time this week facedown before the Lord.) So I'm there on the floor, song playing and I hear someone come up to me and ask a question which I couldn't make out. Hiding my head I said, "I'll deal with it in a miunte." But the person didn't go away. Finally a bit frustrated my "Great moment of worship" was being interupted, I looked up and there was Sophie wiggling her little fingers in the air, with a BIG smile on her face. Apparently she had pooped and decided to do a little scratching. SO there I am trying to "worship" but having to tend to my little princess with the poopy fingers. And in the midst of all of that I just started laughing! Life is not made up of pockets of time where we come before the Lord in "worship"...ALL OF LIFE IS WORSHIP! (Thank you Marvin Wilson!) And even in the midst of wiping little poop covered fingers I was able to catch a glimpse of my heavenly Father smiling down and laughing, knowing that He can be worshiped in reverence on our knees and He can be worshiped in the midst of changing a stinky diaper. What matters is not the mode or method...but the heart of worship. I want to live in a way that my heart is bowed facedown even in the midst of the laundry and the poop...and then when I do get those rare moments to enter into His sanctuary with reverence my heart is already prepared to fall facedown.

"And I fall facedown, as your glory shines around..."

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Day the Pope Died...

Well...I've been following this closely all week but it was finally today that the Pope went home. I can't imagine what it must have been like for JP II to open His eyes in the presence of his savior - no more sickness, no more frailty.

He was one of the most gracious, warm and caring people I have ever met. He just exuded compassion. When I met him I was in a crowd of tens of thousands of Italians. It was 13 years ago for the 10 year anniversary of the Napoli earthquake that killed so many people. Anyway, after his message he came over to where our group of american military personel were and he took time to stop and speak to us. There was so many people EVERYWHERE but when he came to me, he stopped, shook my hand, and said kind words to me. It was like I was the only person in the whole place. I know many people put him on such a high pedestal, but to me, he seemed so down to earth. He just lit me up by taking 30 seconds to stop, talk, and care about me as if I were the only person on the planet. Amazing. He had the softest hands I have ever held.

The world truely has lost a godly man. I was reading one of the AP articles and one of the archbishops said that the pope was "both a leader and a kind man...and you don't often find both those characteristics in people today." Hmmm...isn't that sad. Maybe if we all spent more time with our Heavenly Father we too would be stepping up to the plate to begin to be leaders transforming society through the way we love one another. Oh, that is what the church should be about. May JP II's legacy live on in us as we press on pursuing godliness.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Proverbs 16:21

"The wise of heart is called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness."

Man, I like that verse. I pray out of my mouth flows "sweetness of speech." That's something to strive for.

What a Week...

Will it EVER end? I tell you what...I lost track by Tuesday of the amount of times some one in this family puked or I had to change a diaharea diaper. DISGUSTING!!! I swear, our family has never been so CONSTANTLY sick as we have this 2005 in California.

Ethan was diagnosed with Walking Pnenomia last Thursday and since then he has picked up a stomach virus which has cycled through Sophie and Carter. I can't remember who has been barfing when. I am so very tired of all of this. Dr. Allison has already been to the house twice and is coming by again tonight!!!

I mean, c'mon! Some Spring Break! We went to the beach yesterday and Ethan puked in the sand and then same thing today at the park. Poor guy. He is just so sad. I feel so bad for the little guy.

And all this while it is another "BVD" for me. (Day 10)

Will it EVER end?