Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Idol Gives Back

I must say...I really am not a big fan of American Idol. I've just never really gotten into all of the hype.

But tonight was different.

What a great program. Good music. (If you minus the Idol Contestant bits. Again, not a fan...Oh...and Ben Stiller, keep your day job! I must say, Jack Black - Hil-arious!) And an incredible cause.

AFRICA: heart breaks. I want to sell everything I have and just go and help. We MUST do more. We MUST do something. How can we exist in such a consumeristic culture and not be aware of people dying every three seconds. This is ridiculous. We need to pull our heads out of our asses and actually CARE about the less fortunate. We need to be LOVE to those who have never known it. We need to ACT...NOW.

So whoever you are. Join the fight. Get involved.

And give, give, give.

From your heart. With your time. And your wallet.

But most importantly, your voice.

Join ONE now. Let us BE the generation that makes poverty history!



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