Friday, June 30, 2006

Day Ten: Uncle Dave

Today we got to meet and hang out with Dave and his girlfriend, Emily. It was great to see them and hang out. The kids went to the Natural History Museum in the morning with Bonnie and Becky. They had a blast! At night we got the kids down and fell asleep watching (Yawnnnn!) family movies.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

June 29th

Happy Birthday Nathan! 33...Hmmm...the year Jesus was crucified.

Hope things work out better for you this year! We love you!

Happy anniversary Mom & Dad. (Happyhappyhappyhappyhappy...)

Day Nine: Date with Superman

We went out today to Chuck E. Cheese and had a blast with the kids. Grammy & Pop po were so generous, and the kids just love all the fun games.

Then later in the day the kids got some Batman videos and enjoyed the evening with G&p-p. J and I went out to see Superman Returns. I liked it and thought it was a good story. Very touching...and who doesn't love a bald Kevin Spacey? So great!

We then went out to the Foothills Brewing Company and had a great late night dinner with a FABULOUS sampler!!!

Very good night.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


If you are reading...I want you to know I love you and I wish I were there with you tonight. It was good to talk on the phone...but I felt so helpless. It sucks. I just wish I could be there for you. I love you my sister.

Day Eight: Good and Bad

Today was a weird day...

I slept in again this morning. I think It's how i am dealing with all this church stress...and I'm also playing catch up from the past two months. Again church stress.

Anyway I got out of bed at 10:30am to the sounds of the kids getting ready to leave. I got ready and went down stairs to find we were heading out to float boats in the creek that Pop-pop and the kids had made earlier that morning.

We went out and had a GREAT little time. We then went out to see Cars. But J had to take a couple "church calls". That put a damper on things. (And really has put a damper on the whole rest of the day. Ahh! The Bride of Christ!)

We then went to dinner at Grandmother's house. She's almost 85. The kids had a blast riding their electronic chair lift down to the basement and back up. They got more Batman presents and we ate pizza on batman plates. It was a great night inspite of the church damper.

Back at home I got the kids in bed. J has been on the computer and more calls...but we did get a 30 minute date to Krispy Kreme for decaf & donuts.

I pray tomorrow is better.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day Seven: Reunion II

Tuesday morning I got to visit with two of my favorite people int he whole world. I had missed them both at the party on Sunday it was SO GOOD to be able to stop by on our way out of town. These are two friends who I was "close" to when I lived in C'ville, but I lived on the other side of town so with all the little kids we never saw each other as much as I would've liked.

But I'm so glad they have kept close. It was just so good to see them and see the kids and hear stories and catch up. I just miss them. We knew such amazing people in C'ville. It's the people I miss.

Lauren & Karen I love you guys so much! You are both such beautiful people to me. You hearts are big and open and understanding, adn I thank God for both of you! You HAVE to visit me in LA!!! I love you both so much!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Day Six: Old Friends

One of these things is not like the of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell me which one's not like the other before I finish this song?

It's almost like a picture of the four brothers...but which one was adopted? Hmmmm...

Here's another funny one...but I think J has the cutest head! (Sorry Jim & Mark!)

Day Six: Renovation

Monday night we got together with such good old friends to just catch up, reflect, pray and encourage one another. It was so good to my soul. My heart aches as I wish I were still around such great people and good friends. It was many ways I think we were protected from a lot of hurt by moving two years ago. It is easy when you have a new life starting up to distract you from old pain.

But here I sit with new pain from the new life...and I just don't know where I'd choose to be. Perspective...hmmmm. It is just weird. with all that is going on this very week at our CA's very bizarre to be reconciling old issues in Charlottesville this very week.

Somehow...God is good...and funny all at the same time. Years later I will laugh at all of this...but right now I find it all too ironic. was just good to recall what good friends I have. People who truely know me - the good the bad and the sarcastic - and they still like me and see Jesus refining me into His beautiful creation.

All I can say is, "C'mon! What about the freakin' DONKEY?" Oh...I miss our community. I wished we had more time of authentic. real living after everything blew up.

I miss you guys.

Day Six: Close Encounters

After a great but emotionally draining morning we decided to head north to our old stomping ground. We went by the old house. It looked loved and cared for, and the new owners had done projects to the landscaping that we had planned to do. So that was nice to see.

But as we headed up to the old subdivision we were warned of the new developments. Apparently they cleared a huge section of trees and built this enormous water tower near our turn off…as we approached I almost wet myself we I looked up and saw the alien encounter. Very bizarre…I’m glad we’ve moved.

Day Six: Restoration

We had the BEST lunch with our friends Susan & Jim. It was SO GOOD to see them after such a long time. Susan was a real heart friend. The amount of time the two of us were pregnant together over the years is really silly if you add it all up. We fell out of touch when I moved out of the area. Only recently have we reconnected in the web world. (I think she’s the president of my blog fan club!) So it was just so healing to see her and her kids and Jim too. I can’t really put it to words…but it was just good, and right. Healing. Restoring.

(And while we were eating lunch and talking Carter ate about 14 slices of watermelon…what a weirdo.)

Day Six: Reconciliation

This morning was a nice time to stop by and visit with some old friends. It was good to reconnect and just be with them for the morning and let the kids play. It was hard and weird and wonderful at the same time. It went better than I had anticipated, and I just felt pleased afterward. It was one of those things we just felt like it would be the right thing to do…and I’m really glad we did it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Day Five: Reunion

Today we headed back to Charlottesville. It’s been two years since we’ve been back – but it has almost felt like a whole lifetime. In many ways it seems our lives have gone on and changed and grown and we’ve experienced so much. But driving up 29 North…everything just seemed…the same. (Well, except for the new Target.) It was weird. Overall, it was like we were thrown back into that old life. It was like our bizzarro world. Everything just seemed the same…but we were SO different.

We got in to Brendan and Corrie’s place. That was a great time to catch up and reconnect. Poor little Beth got fed up with the amount of Boy Power taking over her house!

At night we went to a sort of reunion party with so many old friends from the old church days. It was a time of rejoicing and refreshment. It was SO GOOD to see everyone…to see how the kids had grown and just to be in fellowship with everyone once again.

It made me appreciate how good we had it. Those people in Charlottesville are some of the best people I’ve known in my life. And it was such a privilege to have been given the opportunity to have served alongside such quality people. It was just a perfect night to re-establish old ties and to just sit and be with these people that I have loved so dearly. It was just good to be back.

My favorite part was just standing at the side of the room and just looking around at everyone reconnecting…and then just seeing the number of people who had cracked open a beer and were just enjoying living life together! (Apparently, in the past two years, everyone has been released to enjoy their freedom in Christ…and many of them have become Presbyterians!)

So funny.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Day Four: Sleep, Rest, Relax, Party

Today was a low key day if there ever was one. We hung out around the house. I woke up late, had breakfast and an hour later I went back to bed. Nice. Got to love vacation!

Later I woke up and had lunch, played with the kids and then watched some World Cup.

Tonight the Dawsons had some friends and family over for dinner. It was nice to hang out, enjoy some southern hospitality and good food.

Tomorrow we head to C'ville...hmmmm...mixed emotions...but it should be good.

Talked to J. today...still feel like we wouldn't feel at home in the South. So we are still lovers of L.A. I miss my friends too! (Bean/NC2) But it sure is nice to get some sleep for a change!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Day Three: Rain Check

Today was nice and relaxing. The kids played outside, in the jacuzzi, and around the house. We went to a Winston-Salem Warthogs minor league baseball game tonight...but due to thundershowers we wound up eating hotdogs in the stands and watching a couple guys use the giant tarp over the infield as a ginormous slip-n-slide.

So, we have to take a rain check, but we'll try to go back later in the week.

Day Two: The Fart

I am such a bad mom...and I feel horrible. But this is just too darn funny NOT to blog about it! And one day it will make a really good scene in one of my movies I'm writing in my head.

So tonight I was trying to put the kids to bed for the third time. It was 10:30PM (which was kinda 7:30PM their time). They were pretty wild and very frustrating. And I was a bout to loose my patience and yell at them, but instead I thought I'd try to be funny. I was trying to get their attention - to no avail. SO I lifted up my right leg and let out this HUGE fart. Everyone stopped talking and jumping and screaming and looked at me. Then we all started busting out laughing! It was really hilarious! All of a sudden, Ethan got the crazy idea to come over and smell my fart...which led to allt he kids doing the same. Ha ha Funny Funny! Ok yeah, it stank pretty bad after the chicken salad with some strange vinagrette dressing I had for dinner.

We went back to the bedtime routine. I was tucking in the guys and just had to fart again (it was the last time I swear!). This I was standing inbetween the two mattress on the floor. Again, it was just as funny! This time Ethan and Sophie both stood up and can over to smell my butt - thinking that was so hilarious! I was dealing with Taylor & Carter and Ethan & Sophie ran off into the other room to tell daddy what happened. All of a sudden I hear Ethan crying from the other room and scraming for me. I thought daddy reamed him out for not being respectful of mommy. But I went in to find him and he was standing over the potty puking his dinner out. Sophie was with him and was coughing into the potty. I felt so bad! Initially I though, my poor baby is getting sick...he must've picked up a virus on the flight.

Later I realized that Ethan puked becasue he smelled my fart. Isn't so aweful and funny all at the same time? Poor guy! J. died of laughter when I told him the story! His answer was it serves you right to puke if your gonna go around sticking your nose in someone else's butt! Later that night I went to check on Ethan and he said, "Mommy, I don't want to smell your burps again!"

I don't blame you buddy!

I'm so embarressed.

Day Two : The Filling Station

We went out tonight to a really cute place called "The Filling Station". Tom's band "The Allen Conrad Trio" was playing a show. So we decided to get some dinner and let the kids watch pop-pop play his Double Bass.

The seating hostess and one of the wait staff were REALLY RUDE trying to seat us. "I just don't know what to do with all those kids?" Excuse me? much for southern hospitiality.

Our actual waiter was a nice guy. The food was good. I had a great French Martini and a Chicken salad. It was a good time...but so FREAKING muggy! after socal - I HATE this weather!

Day Two: Mr. Barbeque

So Grammy & Pop-pop took the kids to Target and lunch. J and I woke up late, got ready, watched some World Cup and then headed out for a Winston-Salem favorite - lunch at Mr. Barbeque. This place is a TOTAL dive. If it says anything about the place the sign our front is a dancing pig dressed up in a tuxedo. And did I mention that "Mr. Barbeque" is right next door to "Miss Fried Chicken". I think they are actually living together out of Wedlock. And they are both right down the street from "Mr. Waffle"...I think Miss Fried Chicken was formerly married to Mr. Waffle, and their romance was doomed from the start. (Only in LA can Chicken and Waffles be a match made in heaven!) So I think Miss Fried Chicken ran off down the street with Mr. Barbeque back in the early 60s... Anyway, you just gotta love the south!

We walk in there and instantly I am again hit with the feeling that I am definitely NOT in LA! We walk in and for one - everyone is white - well, that is, except for the two old black ladies sharing a table in the corner of the joint. They looked tired and worn, and just by looking at them you could almost trace their history on the wrinkles of their faces back to the days of slavery where their ancestors probably worked the land of some of the other patons families.

Their was a table of four good ol' boys who were in W-S Fire Rescue uniforms. It looked like they all went to high school together and used to party and steal each others girlfriends back in the day.

Looking around at all the (overweight) men in their polo shirts and khakis the word that came to mind was "simple". Here were all these hard working guys taking a break from their 9 to 5 jobs to enjoy a tasty southern meal at Mr. Barbeque. They'd go back to work, finish their jobs, o home to the wife and kids and watch their satelite TV all night long. Then they'd start their routine all over again.

It was neat to people watch at a place like that...but how apparent it QUICKLY became that I did not fit into this southern culture. Very strange...

I must say that the food was good. I've had better BBQ (but J insisted on MR. BBQ for the "atmosphere") but the hush puppies were to die for. I love a good Hush Puppy. Mmmm...southern food...It'll kill ya!

If you ever make your way to North gotta get you some good barbeque!

Day Two: Rest

After a long trip we went to bed around 2AM (which really was our usual bedtime of 11PM). I hit the pillow HARD and just slept and slept and slept. We woke up at 10AM (still our usual wake up of 7AM) - but somehow it was different. It was the first time in over 6-8 weeks that we could go to bed - not worry about the kids - and just REST. It was the first time in a LONG tme when we didn't have three important things to do the next day.

Just Rest...

and sleep...


Praise God, the keeper of rest, who replenishes our souls even as our bodies are wasting away.

(I think I could use another nap!)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Vacation - Day One: The Trip

Well, today began the beginning of our much needed vacation. Since Johnny did a funeral over a month ago, our poor family has literally done one thing after the next...and many times three things at the same time! But AT LAST we headed out at 8:30am for LAX with 4 suitcases, 8 carry-ons, 1 stroller, and 4 kids. The kids LOVED going through security. They especially loved taking off their shoes (although kids don't have to, they were just doing what all the big people were doing!) and walking through the metal detector. Taylor set it off because he was smuggling in so much change in his wallet.

I was sad to leave LA. (Happy to leave the Valley - but sad to leave LA.) I decided that this is the trip to determine whether or not I really love LA. (And whether or not I can fit in anywhere else!) The flight to Salt Lake City was uneventful. The kids had plenty to do in their backpacks. They LOVED the free beverage service, adn Carter ate 3 bags of peanuts!

We got in to SLC and everything we walked off the flight and I was pushing Sophie in the stroller, and the boys were in matching outfits with their backpacks on walking between me and JDog. All of a suddden I looked up and saw a cute white family with little blonde haired kids. And then I saw another one, and another one and another one. Then I realized "I'm NOT in LA anymore!"

I realized everyone was also looking at my family and thinking the WE WERE MORMON!!! It was just so strange having come from LA where walking around with 4 kids people look at you like your are green and have antenna come out of the top of your head...But in Utah it was common place. Also, everyone seemed white - even in the airport! I will say that everyone seemed so nice and polite...and everyone's kids were so well behaved! (We had a few bad attitudes to get over since we'd already been traveling for 6 hours.) I just felt like a fish out of water. Very strange. So I think Salt Lake City is out for places I think I could live in. (And to think I was going to apply to BYU in High School to become a missionary to the mormons.) It's a very clean, nice and polite city...but somehow, I don't think it's for me.

The flight from SLC to Raleigh-Durham was fine. S&E fell asleep for awhile. I was never able to once crack my book open...but we got here without too many that's good.

Once in Raleigh, Grammy & Pop-pop met us and we drove 2 hours home getting in around 1:30AM (EDT). It was good to crawl in bed - and CRASH!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Graduation Day

Tuesday was Ethan's graduation. We were SO proud of our little guy! Way to go buddy!
I LOVE you!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Here's to:good friends
good wine (yes, I said it...and if you want to card me...I'm 32!)
new experiences
fabulous food
small plates
happy birthdays

meeting new people
fun bartenders (was I not supposed to say that either?)
The Little Door
Chris Katan
(and the night when I'll watch "Night at the Roxbury" with the Bean)
Parker Posey
(I love the Dairy Queen girl)
happy anniversaries!
Suzanne Goin (NC2's schmmooshing!)
A fun night
A full tummy
dreams for a new future
A Whole lotta LAUGHS

To get the lo down on what it was we actually ate go here:

Late Update

By the way...Eddie is back. He's microchipped, vaccinated, liscensed, fully adopted, and his balls got chopped off. We are SO glad to have him home!

Friday, June 16, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Johnny & I had a crappy 10 year anniversary in light of all that has transpired this week. But we were able to go to Las Fuentes for dinner, watch a movie and visit Verge to see one of my HS girls baptised. It was a good night. Not real romantic...but we'll do that in Winston-Salem. Happy 10 years babe. But on a serious note:

You MUST see this movie.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Say a little prayer for Eddie

We took Eddie in to the shelter this morning. I didn'trealize how sad I would be without him here. He's getting fixed, his paw looked at, shots, microchipped and all around looked over. It appears he is estimated to be 6 years old!

Anyway, I miss him tonight and I know he must be sad spending a few days in that shelter. Pray for his health and for his little spirits. Assuming his real owner doesn't claim him we will officially adopt him Saturday morning.

That seems so far away...I love you Eddie.

Finding Comfort, Seeking Hope

"3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.[a] 6If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. 7Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.

8For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers,[b] of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. 9Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. 10He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. 11You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

2 Corinthians 1:3-11

"He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again."

How beautiful is that! That is where my hope is at. How refreshing the Word of the Lord.


Inquiring Minds want to Know...

"Kyrie Eleison" means "Lord have mercy".

...and hair is not actually pink. I was dressed as Special Agent Sydney Bristow from the hit show "Alias" last year for Halloween. But I wouldn't mind pink hair...I just don't think the evangelical church is ready for that.


Monday, June 05, 2006

Travelin' Through

disclaimer: I do not support peeing on the side of the road. I do not support skinny dipping. I do not support nudity in films.I do not support the transgender lifestyle. I do not think it is what God designed as His best. I am not in support of male prostitution or running away from home as a teenager. However I believe we live in a fallen world that is filled with sin and misery and as a result many people have to suffer through tragedies that deeply sadden the heart of God.

With that said...I was impacted GREATLY this week by watching the movie "Transamerica". It was profound and a life changing film. I believe all Christians SHOULD watch this movie. Although many might not WANT to, or might find some of the content offensive, I believe this is a dialogue we as Christians NEED to enter.

This movie is not a political statement on transgender issues. This movie is not about approving or dissaproving of the lifestyle of a transgender person. This is the movie of one person's story. And it is a movie of their story colliding with the story of another person. This is a movie about two broken people, that the world has failed, and them finding each other, struggling along the way and finding redemption in the midst of a lot of pain and tragedy. This movie is about the Human Story. It is about the greater Redemption story. It is about Jesus who suffered and died to bring new life to the broken.

In the movie the two characters stuggle with the thought of God's redemptive work in their lives. They acknowledge their weakness and need for something greater. They find mercy offered into their lives through the love and care of God's creation.

My only wish was that there would have been a greater emphasis on God transforming their hearts rather than a more promenant understanding that "they did it on their own". Their lives were changed and bettered because they had each other. - Which was true...but let's answer the "why" question.

By the end of the film the two characters are growing in love and respect toward one another. In no way do they have it "all figured out", but they are committed to struggling through life together. It is a vision of community, albeit totally flawed...but a beautiful potrayal of redemption working itself out in the lives of two broken people.

As a Christian watching this movie, I was convicted. How often I judge people from the sideline for where they are and how they act ...all the while failing to enter the conversation; listen to their journey and see the beauty of redemtion being played out in their lives. God is working to change hearts. So often those "who have ears to hear" are unwilling to enter the dialogue to help point people in the right direction, and help them see Jesus as the true Mercy-Giver. We as Christians have been given the great and high calling of showing love to the world (and it's not a pretty packaged world) and introducing the world to Him who is LOVE. So why are we so full of judgement?

I recomend watching this movie. Watch it with an open mind, watch it with an open heart and listen to how God might use this movie to convict your heart as well. (And if you hated it - just leave a comment and let me know. But be a part of the conversation.)

This is the link to Dolly Parton singing her theme song for the movie at the Academy Awards. It is powerful and the lyrics are poignant. At the end it is almost like she is leading Hollywood in a worship song. In many ways that is the closest some of those people have come to Jesus. She says, "I'm not here to judge you, I'm just travelin' through." Kinda brings to mind Luke 5:31-32:

31Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

We could all be changed by this passage and this song, if we really lived it. This is the life of authenticity. This is the life of someone who's broken life has been transformed by LOVE. This is the life of someone who truely is "proud to be a Christian" (inside joke for those who have seen the movie):


Well, I can't tell you where I'm going I'm not sure of where I've been.
But I know I must keep travelin till my road comes to an end.
I'm out here on my journey trying to make the most of it.
I'm a puzzle I must figure out where all my pieces fit.

Like a poor wayfairing stranger that they speak about in song.
I'm just a weary pilgrim. Trying to find what feels like home.
Well,that is no one can tell me am I doomed to ever roam.
I'm just travelin travelin travelin i'm just travelin on.

Questions I have many,ansewers but a few.
We're here to learn the spirit burns to learn the greater truth.
We've all been crusified and they nailed Jesus to the tree.
And when I'm born again your gonna see a change in me.

God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain,
Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain.
Oh,sweet Jesus if you're out there keep me ever close to you.
As I'm stumbling tumbling as I'm traveling through.

I'm just traveling traveling traveling. I'm just traveling through ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.
I'm just traveling traveling I'm just traveling through ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.

Oh sometimes the road gets rugged and it's hard to travel on.
But holding to each other.We don't have to work alone.
When everything is broken we can mend if we try.
We can make a world of difference If we want to we can fly.

Good-bye you little children, Good-night you handsome men,
Farewell to all you ladies and to all who knew me when.
And I hope i'll see ya down the road, you meant more than I knew,
As I'm travelin travelin travelin travelin travelin through.

Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind,
Oh give me some direction, Lord, let me lean on you as I'm travelin travelin through.

Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song
I'm just like a weary pilgrim tryin to find my own way home.
Oh sweet Jesus if your out there, keep me ever close to you
As I'm travelin travelin travelin, as I'm travelin' through